A Wish was granted for Ashton to be with kids just like him, it was beautiful to see all of them together again like a family reunion.
The conference for us was much more than a wish.
I am reminded each conference but this one in particular, about how alone we are. Sitting in a room full of women who know exactly what I go through, hearing the stories like they are read from my mind is truly amazing. We discussed just that, and it made me quite emotional because these are the women who get it. We all have friends and family (and we know you try) but they will never truly understand; and that is what makes us unique and a family. I am even more motivated to see my CFC 'sisters' at the next conference and see how much things have changed, hug them and spend much needed time venting away with a drink- a toast! to those who understand because I think that's the hardest part for me, being alone.
What's even more amazing is the kids themselves. I can't even put into words how beautiful these kids are. Watching them go from table to table gazing into each others eyes as if they are saying "I know, I'm here" to one another. They knew exactly when to come hold Ashton's hand, and when to back off. No questions asked when he cried- they knew why and they sympathized with him. Being in this huge world all on your own is hard too and I'm sure they feel like I do, because who really understands them besides each other?
No words can fully describe it but I know they feel as I do; connected and alone.
As you go through life with your daily struggles, I want to remind you that your problems aren't always as big as they seem, I can tell you first hand as a mom of 5. I want to remind you that your healthy child who is throwing toys and tantruming is healthy. While ours are in the hospital and having seizures, ECG's and MRI's. While your child is playing in the backyard, ours are in physio therapy and struggling to walk or even roll over. While your child won't eat their broccoli, ours won't eat anything at all some days and have to be fed by a tube or hospitalized for dehydration. I'm not comparing our kids- hey, we all have problems. I'm just reminding you to live each day enjoy your children forget about the messy kitchen and be with them. I am reminding myself as well.
If you are reading this and feel alone- I urge you to seek a group of amazing people who go through something similar, if your child has special needs or not. My secret to happiness is living.