Saturday, January 7, 2012

Things Ashton Can Say

Ashton has wonderful vocabulary, and I thought I would post a list here for you to see. He has a funny way of talking and always repeats himself. He waits for us to repeat him then he'll say something else, it's adorable! 

-thanks guy, thanks
-he will bring me some, pizza guy (he means pop)
-dad is home, he is home
-puppy will lick me, he will say woof
-thanks store (when we get him a treat) 
-Old Mcdonald's has some fries 
-daaaaaaaaad (screams it) 
-Allura changed me, not Brayden, not Brayden (last night SO funny)
-steve, steve will come (Blues Clues) 
-I want that (new this last few days) 
-aw Lizzy, aw 
-I will hit youuuu (when the nurse at the hospital gave him his IV) 
-grannyyyyyyyy (screams it happily) 
-puppy some, puppy lick 

I will add more as time goes on, hope it made you smile

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Seizure Setback

On a cool morning in November,  a normal day turned into a very scary one. A seizure, followed by another... Before you knew it the house was swarming with 7 firefighters, 3 Ambulance attendants, a hysterical mom, and a best friend to the rescue. I don't want to relive the experience- so I will move on now, just know that he is alright.

Tomorrow is the follow up -finally- sleep deprived EEG followed by Neuro app next week. If he has a pattern he has epilepsy, if not then perhaps it was just a one time event. (lets hope) Either way, we watch him sleep now on the Ashton- cam. With hopes he sleeps well (sleep deprivation may have been a contributing factor) is well hydrated, and eats plenty before bed. 

Today we go to school, see his favorite people...  and just be Ashton. Smelly toes, hungry tummy, huggable little man. 

Until the next adventure...