Ashton has wonderful vocabulary, and I thought I would post a list here for you to see. He has a funny way of talking and always repeats himself. He waits for us to repeat him then he'll say something else, it's adorable!
-thanks guy, thanks
-he will bring me some, pizza guy (he means pop)
-dad is home, he is home
-puppy will lick me, he will say woof
-thanks store (when we get him a treat)
-Old Mcdonald's has some fries
-daaaaaaaaad (screams it)
-Allura changed me, not Brayden, not Brayden (last night SO funny)
-steve, steve will come (Blues Clues)
-I want that (new this last few days)
-aw Lizzy, aw
-I will hit youuuu (when the nurse at the hospital gave him his IV)
-grannyyyyyyyy (screams it happily)
-puppy some, puppy lick
I will add more as time goes on, hope it made you smile
I love the way our CFC kiddies talk!